Accelerating Enterprise App Development: Our Journey of Refactoring, Upskilling, and Certification with Mendix

Success stories


Oct 13, 2023

At Kobeon, we recently partnered with a large enterprise client to transform their app development ecosystem. Our goal was to help their team upskill and master the Mendix platform, accelerate their app development process, and deliver high-quality applications faster than ever before.

To achieve this, we created a custom program that focused on both individual growth and accelerating app development by implementing best practices. Our team worked side by side with the client's development team, providing expert guidance, hands-on training, and mentorship opportunities.

Our team did the impossible

Together, we tackled a number of challenges that were hindering their ability to develop and deliver high-quality applications at speed. We identified areas of the codebase that were causing issues and implemented effective solutions that improved performance and security.

We also focused on building applications together, using agile development methodologies to ensure that we were delivering value at every step. Our team of experts provided guidance and mentorship throughout the development process, helping the client's team to master the Mendix platform and build applications more efficiently.

As part of the program, we hosted a series of training sessions focused on best practices for Mendix development. These sessions covered everything from design patterns and coding standards to platform-specific features and performance optimization techniques.

Through our partnership, we were able to help the client's development team achieve certification on the Mendix platform, demonstrating their expertise and mastery of the platform. And by upskilling their developers and implementing best practices, we helped them accelerate their app development process and deliver high-quality applications faster than ever before.

Kobeon transformed an enterprise client's app development ecosystem by partnering with their team for 50 days to upskill and master the Mendix platform, implementing best practices, and building applications together, resulting in certification and faster app delivery.

Success, what's next?

We are very proud of the work we've done with this enterprise client. Our partnership was built on collaboration and trust, and we're excited to continue partnering with them as they continue to innovate and drive their business forward.

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